Taylor combines her love for exploring the world and her experience in the tourism industry to curate extraordinary journeys that match the travel dreams and aspirations of her guests. Her own travels have taken her around the globe. She brings this passion into her interactions with her guests while discussing ideas and itineraries. When she’s not planning her next trip, curling up with a book – preferably historical fiction – and a warm cup of tea, is Taylor’s favorite thing to do. She finds nature therapeutic and loves taking long walks. Always looking to explore offbeat destinations, Taylor is eyeing Bosnia next and can’t wait to take in its irresistible blend of the East and the West.
My most memorable experiences would have to be when I traveled to Vietnam with a friend on her motorbike. I also have fond memories of hiking from village to village in Tuscany with my dad. Two very different experiences but both wonderful memories to look back on!
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.
Taylor McKinley