b'ELLORA,INDIAEllora is a group of Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist temples carved into Western Indias vertical basalt cliffs between the 7th and 11th centuries. They showcase the genius of ancient Indian architecture. Here, the Kailasa Temple is the largest monolithic rock-cut monument in the world, meticulously carved with just chisels and hammers. An unusual aspect of the temple was that it was crafted from top to bottom. Walking through these mammoth monuments, and examining the exquisite art, makes these civilizations come alive.Kailasa Temple, Ellora, IndiaKARNAK & LUXOR TEMPLES,EGYPTAncient Egypt holds a rich, 5,000-year-old archeological record that reveals volumes PHOTOS: RATTHAM/ISTOCK.COM (INDIA), CALIN STAN ON UNSPLASH (EGYPT)about the past and how our world has been shaped. Yet, many mysteries and unknowns remain, capturing our imagination and curiosity. Egypts massive temples, hieroglyphs, reliefs, and statues are an important legacy of a prolific civilization and an important window to ancient Egyptian religion and life. Whether at the grand Karnak Temple complex with its great pillared hall or the Luxor Temple with two huge statues Luxor Temple of Ramses II, its evident that the ancient Egyptians were great chroniclers of their religion, art, and history.MATERA,ITALYMateras sassi (caves) are prehistoric settlements carved into the rocky mountain. Explore this limestone city, believed to have been inhabited for 10,000 years, via stone steps and paths, stopping at various vantage points for panoramic views. The old city, built atop the caves, comprises limestone buildings, churches, monasteries, and homes sitting on the edge of the Gravina Canyon. The frescoes at the 14th-century Church of Santa Maria de Idris, a historic church carved into the rock, give us a sense of historyand place.ENCHANTING TRAVELS\x1a13'