b'connectionsEMPEROR PENGUINS, ANTARCTICA For more details scan the Emperor penguins are the largest, deepest-diving penguins and the only ones that breed on sea ice.QR code or click the link:In Antarctica, adult penguins trek 50-100 miles to reach suitable breeding sites. Snow Hill on the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula is a site averaging 10,000 birds. The birds arrive around July and lay a single egg. The male then incubates it over two months. Emperor penguins huddle communally to keep themselves and their eggs warm in the brutal cold. Once hatched, parents raise offspring together. Embark on a polar expedition by ship to the Antarctic to visit Snow Hill and this emperor penguin rookery. Great spot: Snow Hill Island, Weddell Sea Best time:October-Novemberenchantingtravels.com/antarcticaEmperor penguins, Snow Hill, AntarcticaENCHANTING TRAVELS ANIMAL WELFARE POLICYNone of the trips we offer negatively impact the welfare of animals. We are committed to continuously assessing any animal interactions which take place on our trips to ensure the animals are not exploited. Groups viewing wildlife are always accompanied by professional guides, rangers, or other staff who can inform guests on how to behave around the wildlife. Animals are never charged, cornered, boxed in, or fed. The animals welfare always takes priority over the visitors experience.enchantingtravels.com/animal-welfare-policy42 \x1a BE ENCHANTED'