b'ESSAOUIRA, MOROCCOBy Anita SahiEssaouira city walls Blue fishing boats and fort My sister Sonia and I had spent eight daysSOUTHERNtraveling through Morocco, and our last stopMOROCCO AND COASTAL GEMS was Essaouira. Our first glimpse of the beach9 Nights from $ 3,090 /Souk ceramics shopwas the silhouettes of camels on the sand andpersonsurfers riding waves. I had not traveled alone withMarrakesh (3), Taroudant my sister internationally in over 30 years, so this(1), Tafraoute (1), AgadirMY TOP 5 THINGS TO DO INjourney was more than just discovering a new(2), Essaouira (2) THE CITY:place. It was also about finally finding time for each other. Essaouira provided us the opportunity Visit a hammamthe laid-back medina to slow down and enjoy unscheduled days ofspa for a traditionalwith its wide streets leisure. It allowed us to reconnect, and for that,massage andand vendors selling PHOTOS: SANDER TRAA ON UNSPLASH (LADY)I will forever be grateful. This city and its peopleexfoliation in a steamcolorful handicrafts.gave us sisters the perfect ending to the journeyroom. It left our bodies Wander the city on of a lifetime and thus hold a special place in myand souls rejuvenated.foot. Roam through heart. We stayed at the authentic Riad LOuissa At mealtimes, enjoythe Place Moulay in the heart of Essaouiras medina. I liked theFor a tailor-made Moroccofresh seafood atHassan Essaouira and simplicity of experiencing this coastal city onvacation, scan the QR coderooftop restaurantsstop to listen to street foot, without a schedule or transportation. Ouror click the link: boasting panoramicperformers. mornings began with the soothing Islamic callenchantingtravels.com/ views of waves Enjoy impromtu to prayer from the nearby mosque, followed byessaouira crashing over the largeconversations breakfast on the rooftop while watching seagullsrock formations nearwith local people and savoring the fresh sea breeze. Days werethe Portuguese Casteloeverywhere to get an spent wandering, shopping, strolling on the beach,Real Fort.authentic experiencesitting at outdoor cafes sipping mint tea. Wander throughof this culture.ENCHANTING TRAVELS\x1a25'