b'connectionsHoi An night market, VietnamNIGHT MARKETS, VIETNAM NORTHERN LIGHTS, ALASKAShopping is only a part of the reasonThere is something soul-soothing to visit the night markets of cities likeabout watching multi-colored Hoi An, Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh City.Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) The other motivation is that sincedisplays in the skies. Awe envelopes local people frequent these, you getExplore Vietnams culinaryCatch the Northern Lightsyou, giving you a sense of a lively and immersive experiencedelights. For details scanon an Alaska tour. Scantranscendence, a feeling of of Vietnamese culture. Select andthe QR code or click thethe QR code or click theconnectedness to the Earth. Youvisit markets geared for local people.link:link for more:feel you are an integral part of a Street food stalls serve authenticenchantingtravels.com/ enchantingtravels.com/ larger whole. local dishes, and you can sit and eathanoi northern-lights Scientists indicate that solar activity alongside locals. Strolling throughwill increase steadily through the these vibrant, bustling markets letsautumn of 2024, and the likelihood you absorb the atmosphere and vibeAurora Borealis,of viewing the celestial dancing light of the country. The night marketAlaska spectacle will be high. Fairbanks, streets are often vehicle-free andAlaska, is a renowned aurora viewing pedestrian-only, allowing you todestination as it has low rainfall walk without worrying about traffic.and is under the Auroral Oval, Street stalls are often lit up andwhere Northern Lights activity is decorated, and you get a close-upconcentrated. The Geophysical experience of local lifestyles. Institute at the University of Alaska Recommended: Nguyen HoangFairbanks tracks and predicts daily Hoi An Night Market, withaurora activity, further increasing lanternshanging along the streetsyour chances of seeing this and floating along the river, is aspectacular phenomenon as the delight. suns charged particles collide with Earths atmosphere.Recommended: Chase the Northern Lights with experienced guides who know the best vantage points in and around Fairbanks, Alaska. Aurora Season is from August 21 through April 21.46 \x1a BE ENCHANTED'