b'TALK TO OUR EXPERTBronwen Griffithbronwen.g@enchantingtravels.com+1 720 722 4365ANDEAN MAGIC IN LAMAYTaste the quiet life of the Sacred ValleyVisiting the towns of the Sacred Valley is not on most classic itineraries. The gentle village of Lamay, just an hour from Cusco by road, is worth a diversion. Walk the My experience with Enchanting Travels was second totowns narrow streets to the none. I felt constantly supported during my trip. Planningmodest 17th-century Apostle was easy, and the execution was perfect. The team evenSaint James Church, visit worked in a couple of fun surprises! I will definitely uselocal guinea pig farms, and them again and have recommended them to friends!a traditional chichera (bar) to savor local corn beer andCharlie Hallett, USAtypical regional local food.MIL: HAUTE CUISINEPABLO SEMINARIOSTrue culinary heightsCERAMIC WORKSHOP MIL is the famous Peruvian Master of Peruvian pottery chef Virgilio Martnezs Master ceramicist Pablosecond restaurant and a Seminario and his wife, Marilgastronomic laboratory Behar, also an artist, foundedfocused on natural products, the Cermicas Seminarioancient farming practices studio in the Sacred Valley.and culinary traditions. It is FARMING EXPERIENCE IN HUAYLLAFARA They welcome guests to theirlocated at the edge of the A day with expert Quechua farmers workshop, home, and gallery,Inca Moray ruins, 11,800 feet Visit the accomplished farmers of Huayllafara in the Lamaywhere clay is brought to life.above sea level in the Sacred Valley, less than an hour from Cusco. With local villagers asImmerse yourself in the richValley. The high point of this guides, learn about local womens textile art, the communitylegacy, skills, and imagery ofimmersive experience is an agricultural calendar, traditional cultivation techniques and thePeruvian ceramics traditionseight-course tasting menu in flavors and qualities of their native plants. Celebrated chefs likegoing back 7,000 years.which each dish represents PHOTOS: COLTUR PERUVirgilio Martnez, whose Central restaurant in Lima won the topThis visit offers an intimatea highland ecosystem. Also, spot as the worlds best restaurant in 2023, use this produceengagement with one ofvisit a botanical trail, local in their recipes. Enjoy a typical regional lunch made with freshthe worlds richest potterycrop fields and producers, and local ingredients. traditions and an opportunityappreciate a panoramic view to purchase works created byof the archaeological site ofenchantingtravels.com/peru the hands of a true master. the Moray terraces. ENCHANTING TRAVELS\x1a53'