b'MAGICAL Parik LaxminarayanCEO & Co-FounderCONNECTIONSAs far back as the fourth centuryWe at Enchanting Travels are proud BC, the Greek philosopherto contribute to such intimate and Aristotle referred to humansinvaluable experiences. At our core, as social animals. Our currentwe are about immersive travel. We obsession with social mediaare happy when our guests interact platforms, from Facebook towith locals and engage themselves Instagram and X, reinforces thisin their everyday lives for a while. aspect of human nature. MostWhen travelers become hugely people need to connect withimpressed with a city and culture, othersto seek and cultivatethey sometimes develop a deep, social relationships with friends,lasting connection to the place neighbors, colleagues, and others(p. 24). When guests spend their they meet. It is these interactionsvacation in a sustainable way, the PHOTOS: TOURISM AUSTRALIA (COUPLE), ISTOCK.COM/STOBE_DE (LIONS), ONE HORIZON (GROUP)that make us laugh, cry, loveandpeople of the host country can also make us human. benefit (p. 18). One of the highlights of travelingEnchanting Travels will turn abroad is the chance to discover20 years old in 2024. Probably new cultures and people. Suchthe most beautiful gifts that connections, even if fleeting,come with this anniversary are elevate us and expand our the many connections we have horizons and understanding ofmade over the past two decades. other ways of living. This is anBecause we test every destination, important aspect of travel thataccommodation, and service we should not underestimate,provider, we have met countless especially given the terribleenchanting people the world over, conflicts around the world, whichand many have become friends. underscore how fragile peace Most significantly, however, is our is today.connection to our guests. When we plan and curate each trip to meet Traveling lets us experience first- our guests personal preferences hand how closely connected we alland interests, we develop close are. Isnt it fantastic when differentrelationships. This connection is cultural and artistic currentsonly possible because you put enrich each other? How deliciousyour trust in us before, during, and is it when culinary traditionsafter your trip. At the heart of the combine to create a new cuisineEnchanting Travels philosophy is (p. 33)? How delightful it is whenthe conviction to translate this trust we dive deep into nature and getinto unforgettable and precious close to wildlife in a peaceful andencounters and adventures all over responsible way (p. 08). the world. ENCHANTING TRAVELS\x1a3'